
Tips to overcome exam failure in CCNA 200-301

We have all failed in our student life before. Yes, even the best fail. Whether it's failing an exam, getting a bad mark, failing a competition, or even repeating a year.So of course, some failures are more painful than others. A bad grade will probably have less of an impact on you than if you fail your second first year of medical school and it was your “last chance” to do your dream job.I wrote the words "last chance" in quotation marks, precisely because after a failure, we tend to see the situation in a tragic way , thinking that the chance of our life has passed us by and that it does not. will never appear again.Everything is collapsing around us and it's a real descent into hell. We are overcome with guilt and the extreme disappointment of not having succeeded. It only gets worse each time we think back to the projections into the future that we made, which now turn out to be totally irrelevant as we failed. If I wanted to talk to you about failure in CCNA 200-301, it's because I experienced it. But I got up to turn this failure into victory, to benefit from a difficult situation, just like you, very soon, if you just failed.The Art of Turning Failure Into Victory

Take stock

Rather than making yourself feel guilty for having a negative inner dialogue like "I'm bad", "I'll never get anywhere," stop beating yourself up. This behavior will only pull you down, whereas heights are accessible to you with a little courage and acceptance, provided you think positively.
Take stock of the situation constructively by answering these questions :What did you miss?
What did you do “wrong”?
What went wrong?
Have you worked hard enough?Analyze precisely what you have been lacking. A failure in Cisco 200-301 exam is above all an experience, a life experience, which, even if it is painful, should allow you to learn lessons in order to move forward more calmly in the future.Also think about the future of your professional project. The latter may have been undermined by this failure. However, does your failure mean that you will never reach your goal?Reevaluate your desire to achieve the goal you just missed.Another question to ask yourself is:Are you still hungry? Are you still ready to fight for what is important to you, despite the disappointment and disillusionment?Often in this first phase of failure in CCNA 200-301, we feel useless, bad and drained of all our energy. Pick yourself up and ask yourself crucial questions that can give meaning to your situation.Who are you ? What is your goal in life ? What do you want to bring to the world ?
Can we reduce your person to this failure? The failure there can not be an engine to strengthen your resolve?
Have you never been successful before and accomplished things that you are proud of in the past? Did you achieve these goals the first time? Or did you have to fight for them ?
What is great about this failure ? How can you benefit from this failure? And so turn this mud into gold?
Does failing once mean you will fail all the time? Has the world stopped spinning?
After a failure, it is very important to “change your glasses” to see the world differently and to take a step back from the situation. You feel like nothing, lower than the earth, but is your gaze totally biased?You've lost confidence in yourself, and that's okay, but your loss of confidence doesn't mean you've lost your ability to succeed as well. You must put an end to this negative internal dialogue that you maintain and replace it with positive affirmations!Do the following exercise. Take a sheet and a pen. Put aside the memory of your failure in 200-301 exam for a few minutes and think about all the times in your life where you have achieved remarkable things. Do not necessarily look for a feat, but just occasions where you have been able to prove that you can succeed and be up to the task.It might be when you got your driver's license, won a sports competition, or had the 'game of a lifetime', when you just helped someone who needed it when everyone else. world turned its back on him or even when you got out of a difficult situation with flying colors!Write down a minimum of 10 things that you are proud of and continue if you are inspired. Then read this list again and go back to each of your successes.Realize that you have talents, qualities and strengths that are always present in you. They are just waiting to express themselves again to overcome past failures!

Take a step back

You have just counterbalanced your feeling of failure in CCNA 200-301 certification exam. You realize that you are the sum of a multitude of experiences, in which you have succeeded when you had to.Dramatize the situation. You once thought that your failure was irremediable, that you could never overcome it because the repercussions were far too heavy to bear. Stop for a moment.I would like you to ask yourself a question that I use very often in this kind of situation to give me courage:In 20 or 30 years, will you remember this failure in 200-301 exam?
Will you still be stuck in the same situation? Or will you have overcome your failure?Visualize yourself in the future, do you think for one second that you will still be on your knees before your failure?The answer is obvious: no.So there is one (and even several) solution (s) to your problem, they're just waiting for you to find them!Listen to your loved ones talk and ask them to tell you about their failure (s) at school. Notice how they take them lightly, they might even laugh at them. In some cases, these failures have even made them realize some very important things that are where they are today.

Regain self-confidence

You have now taken a step back from the situation and that is a very good thing! New solutions will now be available to you! You will find that beyond failure in CCNA 200-301 there are new possibilities, new options like CCNP 350-401, CCIE that will allow you to achieve what you desire.Put in place a strategy, an action plan that will allow you to get back on your feet. Define your new goals in order to overcome the difficulties. Use this article for help.It is normal for you to feel a little lost at times when thinking about your goals. You don't know how you are going to be able to reach them after your failure because it has unsettled you. It's normal.You must now regain motivation, regain confidence in yourself and in your abilities. Give meaning to your project. Do you want to do a specific job? Why not do an internship in the sector you like, even if only for a few days, to make you want to fight for what you want?When I failed my physiotherapy contests for the second time, that's what I did. I did an internship of a few days with a physiotherapist to see if I still wanted to do this job as much.Guess what ? My motivation was increased tenfold! I really realized that this was the field in which I wanted to work and that despite two years of failure, I still wanted to fight for this project. In a short time, my goal will soon be accomplished.So make sure you're hungry again!Fight for what excites you and the obstacles will only be formalities!You can also contact people who know the profession that attracts you and chat with them over a coffee, in addition to being rewarding, it's a great way to boost yourself!You now have all the keys in hand to bounce back from failure in Cisco 200-301 test. Do the exercises above, remember your strengths, redefine your goals, and remember: it is your way of facing failure that will make all the difference in your life!You have the power to decide to fight for your dreams regardless of the failures encountered along the way or you can drop everything: this decision is yours but know that all the resources are within you!